Thursday, October 1, 2009

Peach Beer

Let's right now are minimal because my camera is out of batteries again and I think I need to start being more careful with how many pics I am taking...

Anyways. Class again yesterday. My presentation went well and my professor even said to me that I did a very good job. Yay! I think he likes me, which is awesome. For lunch I made myself a small sandwich out of leftover bread, brie, and salami.

After class I tried to make my way to the same place I got the delicious bread, but unfortunately it wasn't open yet, so I got some not-so-great bread for my dinner. Other than reading for class, that's basically what I did last night.

Today, however, I only had one class, so after grabbing lunch with people (a pretty yummy nutella crepe) I walked to the Bastille to look at some shops. I passed through the pretty amazing Bercy Park on my way.
I got turned around a lot down there. The street I heard had a lot of shops wasn't great at all, and when I finally found some cheap fashion that I loved, I found out all the places I was going to where shops for smaller vendors (big vendors selling multiple pieces of the same outfit to their clients). So although I saw one or two things I was willing to buy, I wasn't able to buy them. Oh well.
(My camera turned off at this point.)

I bought a baguette near the Bastille that was actually pretty good and then took the metro and RER home (both stations were crazy busy and crazy big inside), ate, and then left again for my conversation meeting. However, when I was one stop away from school I realized I left the cinema tickets for my conversation assistant back in my room, so I had to take the RER back (which got stalled), run back to my dorm, run back, and take the RER back. I thought my meeting was at 7:00 and I arrived at like 7:01...but then I found out it wasn't until 7:15. Haha.

Benny and I were the other two to show up at the meeting, so we joined my conversation assitant Juliette at a bar where I had a petit demi-peach beer while we tried to learn some more French.

After about an hour we retired for the night...and now bed time because we have a field trip to Blois and Chateau Chambord from 8am-8pm tomorrow!

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