Tuesday, October 13, 2009

sunset + wine + eiffel tower + good company = paris loveliness

Agh! I apologize for my absence, but things here are pretty crazy and always really busy!


On Saturday Emily, Lloyd, Melanie and I went to Philippe's wine store (the guy that taught during the wine tasting), and he recommended a very fruity wine that I splurged on (well, it was pretty cheap) and will hold on to until probably the final week of Paris.

I then went home and attempted to work, but then really needed to go outside and enjoy the weather so I went to the Les Halles shops again and finally bought a relatively cheap pair of nice/water resistant/comfortable boots. These have definitely come in handy so far!

I then quickly went home, bought a bottle of very cheap wine, and met up with Benny, Lloyd, Emily, and Paul at the Eiffel Tower (unfortunately we lost Melanie...). We sat near the Eiffel for an hour or two talking and drinking the bottle of wine, watching the sun set and the lights go on at the Eiffel. It was a really pretty and a very fun experience!
We then walked a bit and sat down to wait for the Eiffel to sparkle, which it does on the hour. We took a few pictures and once it had sparkled we finally headed out to grab some dinner.
Dinner was okay, not great. We all got steak (very tough) with fries (very yummy) and some tiramisu (not great). Although the food was just sub-par, it was still nice to have dinner with everyone and to enjoy the nice night (albeit it was a little bit cold).
After dinner we went back home and sleep was lovely!

Sunday...I don't have the best memory, but I don't think I did much on Sunday, although to be honest I don't really remember. All my days blur into one around here, especially while still talking to people back in Chicago. If I remember if I did anything interesting I will let you know, but I don't think I did...

On Monday was class...the first day so far in which I have not participated in class, partly from being tired, mostly from not being very interested in the readings. After French class I took a trip to the grocery store, where I picked up some tomato sauce for my pasta, some chicken bouillon cubes for soup, some yogurt, some salt and pepper, and some plums.

I dropped everything back at home, read a little bit, and then went back to school with my friends to the "Meet and Greet," where we met French students from various schools and where I made sure to eat a lot of the little appetizers so that I would be full enough to not have to make dinner. I met Julian and Victor, Victor who had lots to say and who was fun to talk to and Julian who was quiet and didn't have too much to say. Mostly I just ate though =).

Today in Civilization class my professor decided to start class and conversation off with one of my discussion topics, and then continued onto yet another, and then finally went on to some other questions from other people. Although it was a bit embarrassing because I was in the limelight, it was also exciting because my questions/discussions never get presented as interesting enough to talk about in class or anything. I participated again other than that too, so for those reasons class was interesting today.

After a very long day of classes (10-4:30), I did some civ homework and then brought tabbouleh to a potluck, where I had lots of potatoes, some more couscous, fried bananas, chicken, a piece of decadent calamari, and a few glasses of wine, staying a little later than I anticipated because of eating/talking so much.

And now I just finished my homework and have to start studying for my final on Thursday (and then on top of that I have a huge French quiz and another civ test on Monday - egh!) Yet Melanie, Emily, Lloyd, Benny and I are going to Dijon this weekend (I finally made up my mind to suck up the time/money situation and just decide to go and have a good experience), so that should be fun.

I'll hopefully put pictures up and continue another post on Thursday after my final (but before I leave for Dijon on Friday), so...yup!

A tout de suite!

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